Event Details

Organizer: Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania

Contact: SEMTE Marosvásárhelyi Kar


Venue: Târgu Mures

Event categories

Conference - Multiplier event in Romania

A conference on "Smart greenhouses in horticultural vocational education" was held in Târgu Mures in the framework of the Horticulture 4.0 project.

The aim of the event is to present the results of the project, the learning materials produced within the project and to prepare the pilot training:
Detailed programme:

Plenary lecture: 15.10 dr. Szeréna Nagy - Sapientia EMTE CSK GTT: Application of digital, ICT tools in Szeklerland's agriculture 

Section presentations: 

15.40 dr. Imre-István Nyárádi - Sapientia EMTE MK KMT: Presentation of the Erasmus+ project Horticulture 4.0. 

16.20 dr. Sándor Papp - Sapientia EMTE MK VMT: How and in what way can greenhouse automation, sensors and robotics help?

17.00 Dr. Zsolt Túrós László - Sapientia EMTE MK VMT: The possibilities of precision irrigation and nutrient fertilization in "smart" greenhouses 

17.20 Dr. Katalin Molnár, Dr. Zsolt Túrós - Sapientia EMTE MK VMT. 

17.40 Comments and questions, Closing remarks Dr. Imre-István Nyárádi - Deputy Dean, Associate Professor Sapientia EMTE MK Sapientia EMTE MK