R1: Digital Competence Map of smart greenhouse workers
The aim of R1 is to develop a map of the digital competencies required from VET professionals (technicians) to be able to operate the systems included in the database.

R2: Smart Greenhouses Curriculum
The aim of R2 is to the design and development of Smart Greenhouses learning outcome-oriented curriculum for European VET teachers in horticulture in response to the growing needs for workers with right skills for operating smart greenhouses.
Smart Greenhouses Curriculum will focus on

R3: Smart Greenhouses – practice-oriented learning content
Based on the curriculum the partnership will develop the learning content built up from 3 modules. The topics for Module 2 have already been designed by the partners in the proposal phase, and task distributed among the experts as follows.

R4: E-learning platform for delivering online course for VET teachers
Multilingual virtual learning environment based on Moodle framework and integrate course components supporting collaborative networked learning based on constructive pedagogical approach. This innovative solution will provide a learning environment of

R5: Smart Greenhouses e-book for VET teachers and Trainers
The partnership will publish the e-book titled “Horticulture 4.0 – Smart Technologies in Greenhouses”. The book will include not only the learning content, but also case studies of the teachers who participated in the online course, tried out the digital tools