The aim of R1 is to develop a map of the digital competencies required from VET professionals (technicians) to be able to operate the systems included in the database.
First the partners create a database of digital technologies for smart greenhouses offered in the European and partner countries' markets.
Based on this information, the IT experts of the Consortium will elaborate the digital competence map, by listing and explaining the digital competences needed for smart greenhouse workers.
The competency map will be available in 4 languages and will be reusable for the development of learning outcomes-oriented curricula for other agricultural qualifications. In order to ensure the transferability, we
will align the competence map with the European framework of digital competences, DigComp 2.1
R1-T1 Design and implementation of online collaboration platform
R1-T2 Building the database of Smart Greenhouses’ technologies in 5 categories
R1-T3 Digital Competence Map for future workers in smart greenhouses