Multilingual virtual learning environment based on Moodle framework and integrate course components supporting collaborative networked learning based on constructive pedagogical approach. This innovative solution will provide a learning environment of
“learning-by-doing” for the teachers, let them to try out the methods and tools of an effective digital education. The learning content will include open educational resources and newly developed videos about the digital systems used by horticultural companies.
R4 will be interactive teaching material with visually rich multimedia
content, including animations and videos as well.
The online course will be tested in 4 countries by involving VET teachers mostly teaching theoretical and practical subjects in horticulture. Based on the feedback of the target group an improved version of the course will be produced by the partners.
R4-T1: Development of the Multilingual e-learning platform
(open source Moodle framework with Moodle plug-ins and special functions (like H5P extensions)
R4-T2: Implementation digital course components, development of animations and videos in 4 languages
• course information and module descriptions with the set of competences,
• core content of the modules with multimedia elements (HTML pages, videos, animations, interactive web 2.0 apps),
• glossaries, quizzes, exercises
• credited assignments,
• communication tools (forums, instant messaging app, virtual conferencing tool),
• quality management tools like evaluation questionnaires for collecting feedbacks from the participants
R4-T3: Developing training guides (mentors, students)
R4-T4: Testing and refining the online course based on the feedbacks from the VET teachers – Pilot course in the partner countries