XIX Agricultural Science Conference. Agricultural science: responses to global and local challenges
Organisers: Transylvanian Museum Association Department of Agricultural Sciences
Transylvanian Museum Association Sepsiszentgyörgy Branch Association
Sapientia EMTE, Sepsiszentgyörgyi Faculty, Department of Life Sciences
Sapientia EMTE, Faculty of Marosvásárhely, Department of Horticultural Engineering
LAM Foundation
Location: Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Faculty of Sfântu Gheorghe, Csíki street. No. 50
Date: December 8, 2023 (Friday), 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
In connection with the Science: Answers to Global Challenges Hungarian Science Day in Transylvania 2023 series of events, the Department of Agricultural Sciences of the Transylvanian Museum Association and the Sepsiszentgyörgyi Branch Association, together with the Life Sciences Department of the Faculty of Sfântu Gheorghe the, and the Horticultural Engineering Department of the Faculty of Târgu Mureș, as well as the LAM Foundation, on December 8, 2023, Agricultural Science: Answers to Global and Local Challenges organized the XIX. Agricultural Science Conference. The venue of the event was Faculty of Sfântu Gheorghe. During the conference, we broadcast the details of some lectures live on the Facebook page of the Transylvanian Museum Association, as well as on the Facebook page of Faculty of Sfântu Gheorghe, in order to provide the virtual public with the opportunity to view them for the purpose of popularizing science.
The event had the following objectives:
- to introduce the role of agricultural science in our everyday life and its future importance;
- forming a professional community and promoting cooperation;
- stimulating the scientific interest of university students and involving them in research work;
- encouraging interdisciplinarity that promotes agriculture;
- connecting organizing parties cooperating in science.
In the period before the conference, the heads of the department and the branch association promoted the event through the following channels:
- Facebook event. Available here: https://www.facebook.com/events/904885558022931
- Newspaper article, statements. Székelyhon. Available here: https://szekelyhon.ro/aktualis/az-agrarium-globalis-es-lokalis-kihivasaira-keresnek-megoldasokat-sepsiszentgyorgyon?fbclid=IwAR1T0YgHZN27I5BM6ynNqQg07TPXqF23IrxTNoizTER594yTPuBFm3US4BA
- Radio interview. Sepsi Radio. Available here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?extid=NS-UNK-UNK-UNK-IOS_GK0T-GK1C&mibextid=WC7FNe&ref=watch_permalink&v=315339414756996
- Newspaper advertisement. Three Chairs, What? Where? When? Column. Available here:
- Popularization November-December 2023 posts on the Facebook page of the Transylvanian Museum Association and in live stories for 24 hours
- Promotion November-December 2023 posts on Sapientia EMTE Sepsiszentgyörgy's Facebook and Instagram pages, as well as in live stories for 24 hours
The program included 13 professional lectures (thanks to a total of 41 authors), 3 plenary lectures and 10 session lectures. The professional lectures represented the fields of agriculture, forestry, horticulture and landscape architecture by sub-unit.
The opening plenary speaker of the conference came from the University of Debrecen. It should be noted that among the speakers were agricultural engineers, horticultural engineers, landscape architects trained in the Sapientia University, who graduated this year, as well as students majoring in agricultural engineering and forestry engineering with active student status (for the second time this year), who presented their own research results prepared under the mentorship of their instructors. They were joined by instructors participating in Sapientia University agricultural engineer, forest engineer, horticultural engineer and landscape architect courses, with a presentation of their own research.
As a result of the conference, the following can be highlighted:
- stimulating the interest of novice professionals in scientific practice,
- the professional meeting place for agricultural and forestry engineering students studying in Sfântu Gheorghe with students studying horticultural engineering, landscape architecture and plant protection studying in Târgu Mureș,
- promotion of interdisciplinarity by involving four fields of science: agriculture, horticulture, forestry and landscape architecture.
- connecting students and lecturers collaborating in science, local entrepreneurs, a meeting point for representatives of institutions concerned by field of expertise.
- promotion of cross-border cooperation, mainly between Transylvanian and Hungarian professionals.
The all-day event was of great interest, with nearly a hundred people participating in the conference.
The press report about the event can be read here:
The photos taken at the event are:
They are arranged in an album on the Facebook page of Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület Sepsiszentgyörgy and are available here:
They are organized into albums on the Facebook page of Sapientia EMTE Sepsiszentgyörgy and are available here: