With the foundation of MATE (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences - formerly St. István University), one of the largest agricultural-focused, multi-disciplinary higher education institutions in Europe was established on 1 February 2021. With such a long history and legacy of excellence, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences stands as a central pillar of higher education in Hungary and throughout the region.
The Institute of Horticultural Science (IHS) of Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences have 125 of the employees, of which 2 is a doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and 27 colleagues have a PhD degree.
During its existence, IHS has achieved significant results in the study in vegetable crops. Our studies covered tomato, sweet pepper, leafy vegetables (lettuce, baby spinach, bird salad, basil), rose, gerbera and annual ornamental species.
The Institute of Plant Protection (IPP) is part of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The IPP have 40 employees (28 in tuition, 5 researchers and 7 supportive staff). The three pillars of the Institute’s activity are the following: research, tuition, and innovation.
In the IPP’s tuition portfolio plant pathology, zoology and weed control related subjects are dominant.
To diversify the education material biological plant protection methods, disease and pest forecast, and classical and molecular diagnostic methods are also included in the curricula, especially in the Expert in Plant Protection MSc programme. In this ERASMUS + programme the IPP offers modern, practical, and up-to-date curricula for the participants of the plant protection module.