Oz the farming assistant for time-consuming and arduous tasks

Control System
Technológia típusa
Az eszköz célja

The Oz robot is a row-cultivation robot tractor that performs soil cultivation work independently, such as hoeing, weeding, preparing furrows, sowing seeds, and transporting. It works completely independently with the help of its RTK-GPS control system.Works between the rows of the foil houses and can cultivate 3-4 rows at a time. It is 100% electric, so it does mechanical weeding. Length 130 cm. Its width is 47 cm. Its height is 83 cm. Its efficiency is 1000 m²/hour. It weighs 150 kg. It can work up to 8 hours depending on the conditions of use. 4 wheel drive. Its towing capacity is 300 kg. Its speed is up to 1.8 km/h.

Telepítés módja, költsége

The purchase of the robot includes a one-day training by an expert. The training given by an expert consists of learns how the robot can be used to create the correct maps, how to set the tools, how to operate the machine and how it works in the field. During the training period, they go through all the work phases together with the expert.


The robot is easy to handle, and after training you can work with it completely independently. You can move and adjust the working depth of the tools with a remote control. To start working with the robot, you just need to select the appropriate map of the given area. For this, there is a small interface on the robot with a few buttons.

Emberi erőforrás megtakarítás
Az eszköz használatához szükséges minimális digitális kompetencia
Beüzemeléshez szükséges szakember végzettsége minimum
Karbantartáshoz, hibaelhárításhoz szükséges szakember végzettsége minimum
Adatgyűjtéshez, elemzéshez szükséges szakember végzettsége minimum
Kezelőfelület nyelve
Szolgáltató, gyártó neve
Naïo Technologies
Szolgáltató, gyártó ország
Feltöltő neve
Márton Gyöngyvér
Kép az eszközről